📢 The easiest joke that never gets old

How to get an easy laugh that immediately makes people like you more.

How to get an easy laugh that immediately makes people like you more.

Anyone who's met me knows I like to joke around.

I’ve had many people tell me I should do standup comedy. Too bad I prefer sitting down (ba dum tss)

But I’m no comedic genius. I recycle the same joke formats over and over again.

My most used is “The Absurd Assumption”. It’s perfect for breaking the ice when meeting someone new.

Once you get the hang of it, making people laugh becomes effortless.

Here is how it works:

When someone shares something about themselves, make an absurd assumption based on what they’ve said.

The easiest time to do this is after learning what they do for work.

  • I’m a waiter/waitress: So, you must have a sixth sense for when someone’s about to need a refill.

  • A nurse: So people hurt themselves and you’re there to kiss it better.

  • A banker: So you see playing Monopoly as job training?

You only need to come up with a few. In social circle, 60% of people probably have the same 5 jobs. 

NOTE: Don’t feel creative? Use this Chat GPT prompt to come up with funny assumptions

As a joke, what are some absurd assumptions I can make about someone who is “Insert Job, hobby, etc…”? Ex. they are a waiter: So, you must have a sixth sense for when someone’s about to need a refill.

For more ways to be funny check out: 📢 If you don't think you're funny read this

Action Step: 

Prepare an absurd assumption for a common job in your social circle.

Use the prompt above to come up with assumptions and remind yourself to use it in your next interaction.

That’s a wrap!

Before you go:

P.S. You can steal my jokes if you want. Don't worry I won't be like THIS GUY